Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

By Ojukwu Emmanuel Chiadikaobi


Renowned entrepreneur and former member of the House of Representatives, Shina Peller, lauded the resilience and adaptability of Nigerians, drawing parallels with the Turkish people, during the recent Turkiye-Nigeria Business and Investment Summit held in Lagos on June 5th, 2024.

Addressing attendees as the host of the summit, Peller emphasized Nigerians’ qualities as resilient, focused, innovative, and adept problem-solvers, traits he noted were also shared by the Turkish populace. The summit, which marked its second edition, brought together investors from both Turkey and Nigeria to explore collaborative opportunities aimed at driving economic growth and prosperity.

Peller’s engagement with Turkish investors stems from his keynote address at the inaugural summit held in Istanbul in October 2023, where he positioned Nigeria as a gateway to Africa’s wealth of creativity and emphasized the potential for remarkable returns on investment in the country.

Highlighting the benefits for Turkish investors in Nigeria, Peller underscored the nation’s cultural and economic diversity, with over 250 ethnic groups and languages, presenting vast opportunities for collaboration and market penetration. He also emphasized Nigeria’s youthful population and expanding middle class as a significant consumer base, alongside abundant natural resources ranging from oil and gas to agriculture.

Addressing misconceptions about Nigeria, Peller urged Nigerians to rewrite the country’s narrative positively, emphasizing its boundless potential and the creativity of its populace. He assured Turkish investors of the fruitful prospects awaiting them in Nigeria’s burgeoning market.

Peller stressed the importance of fostering strong bilateral relationships, citing collaboration and partnerships as pivotal drivers of economic advancement. As a member of the event board for the forthcoming Global Entrepreneurship Festival in Akure, Peller advocated for enhanced cooperation between Turkey and Nigeria to explore new opportunities and mutual benefits.

Further emphasizing growth opportunities, Peller highlighted key sectors such as technology, agriculture, and infrastructure as areas ripe for strategic investments and partnerships, facilitating innovation and sustainable development.

As the Ayedero of Yorubaland, Peller emphasized the significance of cross-cultural exchange between Turkey and Nigeria, promoting cultural understanding and appreciation to strengthen bilateral ties.

Lastly, Peller underscored the importance of promoting sustainable development through responsible business practices, urging Turkish businessmen to leverage Nigeria’s abundant opportunities while prioritizing environmental conservation and social responsibility for a resilient and prosperous future.

Shina Peller’s address at the Turkiye-Nigeria Business and Investment Summit showcased Nigeria’s potential as a vibrant economic hub and emphasized the importance of collaboration, innovation, and sustainability in driving mutual growth and prosperity between Turkey and Nigeria.

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