By Mary Odunola Okwudiba.
There it is on a sunny day
Countless miles above the green
A dark spot amidst the blue
Other birds dare not fly so high
And see… alone it soars along
With the right current… it soars along
No toil, no pain or struggle involved
Easily… it soars along with the current of air.
Amidst the blue it shouts to all:
“Your starting point can be the sky
Dare like me to fly so high
I soar along… you come along
Never the green and not the blue your limit should be
Beyond the sky your goal should be”
Hark! Hark!! Hark!!! It sings along
Eagles don’t flock so don’t you…
To fly so high.
Wonderous power, easy strength
Making it soar so high in the blue
Right-current, you come from where?
Made by the eagle?
“From the Highest Strength I come of course
From Him I come when you call
Always there when you call”.
“Come along”, the eagle calls
“Call to me”, the Creator calls
With the Right-current you’ll soar so high
No frustration or pain involved
Along you’ll soar with His current of grace
Just spread your wings and aim so high
Beyond the blue His grace can take.