To the tired flames,
to the fading smiles,
time is ever righteous,
determination is young till the casket comes,
vegetations and forestries never die,
I can do it!
Lose no dream to the adamant gates of challenge,
if challenges were able to speak,
they would tell souls
to never leave them untreated.
Hardest challenges and celebrations are neighbours,
I can do it!
When tough times come,
remember that you should not expect smiles
while walking long miles,
keep your hope steady as
the presence of the cloud,
I can do it!
Even the sky knows not all creatures love blue,
how do you prosper?
Always imagine the sky in your favourite colour,
polish your thoughts to think positively,
keep up with thunderous actions,
I can do it!
Focusing on my angle
like a warrior sets its arrow rightly,
should I set my ambitions appropriately.
Planning secretly and working quietly
for unique public celebrations,
I can do it!
Giving time its value,
respecting the fairness of time,
time is life,
isn’t it?
Else, a wasted second would birth a lost vision,
I can do it!
Arise from the madness of procrastination,
that sickness is worse than AIDS,
it jails glories from becoming what they ought,
as you think your dreams within
strike your ideas via thunderous actions,
I can do it!
I have revived my thoughts
with the words of The Almighty Lord.
I have sharpened my actions
with the words of The Almighty Lord.
I have heard The Almighty Lord tell me
I can do it!
STRIDA… guiding you to striking confidence in academic and creative writing!